You Say Dubai, and I Say Hello!
I know, I know--the title is a cheap play on words (but can't you just hear our familiar Target "Hello, Goodbye" song singing through your mind? :o)
Any guess where I went this past weekend? That's right--the "City of the 22nd Century"--Dubai of the U.A.E. (United Arab Emirates)--an amazing city on the grow. Not only is Dubai the fastest growing city in the world, but it is already home to the world's tallest building, the Burj Dubai (which hasn't even been completed yet), and is already touted to be the future home of the world's largest mall, largest airport, tallest this, largest that, and most of everything in between. Seriously! There is so much construction going on in Dubai that over 50% of the world's cranes are currently in use throughout the city, and over 500,000 of the more than 1 million people living in Dubai are construction workers. It is the cleanest, newest, most modern, and most empty city of its size that I've ever experienced. It's absolutely awesome. Now the big question: if you build it, will they come?
Todd, a fellow expat teammate and our sr. marketing manager, joined me for the weekend to shop, swim, relax, and EAT (my favorite part). We flew from Bangalore, through Bahrain, and into Dubai by noon--about 6 hours total. Not bad! We stayed in the immaculate InterContinental Festival City Hotel, which is part of an enormous complex that includes several hotels, a gigantic mall, and many more attractions currently "opening soon" (that became a running joke all weekend...) In fact, the first day we were there we decided to venture out and check out the mall and as we entered the East entrance we looked up and what was one of the first stores we saw? A Caribou Coffee!
Our faces were beaming wide with delight and we couldn't run fast enough up the escalator to get our first taste of U.S. coffee in months. Mmmmm! Felt just like home... well, not quite as cold outside, but you get the idea :o)
Throughout the weekend we did all sorts of things: eat yummy American food (hey--a McDonald's with real beef burgers! Not so in India...); took a chauffeured ride and a "construction check" through the different city centers of Dubai; visited Mall of the Emirates (with Ski Dubai--a fully indoor snow skiing hill complete with chairlift! See the slide show); stopped by the famous Burj al-Arab hotel --another amazing work of art; and then off visit the Palm Jumeriah, another stunning display of architecture and design.
Our driver took us out to the first development so we could see how the communities are set-up. The building are much bigger than I thought they'd be, and this is only one of several Palm communities they are building in Dubai. It's funny--we were so intrigued by the idea of shaping your neighborhood on the waterfront--just think of the possibilities! (See the creatively revised photo :o)
There was so many things to see and do--we just decided to use the days for sightseeing and the nights for laying low and playing cards--always fun! We got in some R&R, good conversation, and lots of fun with the camera (over 675 snaps!) It was yet another fantastic weekend of meeting people, learning more about the world, and experiencing another country and culture. It's interesting--after you've been away from your "true home" for a few months you really start to appreciate the other different parts of the world... they suddenly don't seem so far away. I believe it's really important to experience the world in whatever way you can--even by just leaving for a weekend. It expands you--and this, in turn, helps you grow. I love it!
Sounds like Dubai was a blast! How fun for you!! Your posts are so fun to read! Gracie
Cool trip, Michael! It's great that you can get away and see more of the rest of the world while you are over there!!
Keep the snaps coming!
Your photos and stories are fantastic. I am even more excited to come to India. I agree that travel reminds you to be thankful for what you have! I will see you very soon! Can't wait!! Keep the stories coming. :)
As a Minnesotian who knew you would have to travel to Dubi to get some snow this winter.
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